Halle Berry and her ex-boyfriend Gabriel Aubry are heading back to court over another child custody issue after the Oscar winner accused the model of violating a deal they made earlier this year.
Berry and Aubry spent the early part of 2011 disputing child custody terms over their daughter Nahla, but the matter was resolved at a hearing in April.
The actress told the media that the spat between her and her ex had been blown out of proportion, explaining, "We both know a child needs both her parents. But what I want to say about it is sometimes, as a couple, you reach an impasse. We need a court and a judge to help us work out some of the delicate issues."
She added, "I'm so happy we've arrived at that place, because, for her sake, this is the best way. We both love her more than life."
But Berry felt compelled to return to court on Tuesday, complaining that Aubry had violated the custody agreement they struck, allegedly putting their daughter at risk during a trip abroad.
It is not clear what the alleged violations are.
Berry urged the judge to find Gabriel in violation of the custody order. A hearing has been set for a date to be confirmed.
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