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Why is it TMZ reporters are so intent on speaking with the celebs.How
is it their
roving reporters and cameramen can find them,for example walking to
their car with
their groceries,pow,right there is a TMZ reporter.
Whats really going on ,without TMZ employees not knowing it,their
puppets of Cult
Leader Roy Masters ,others like him,operating through his
followers.Thats why cult leader Roy Masters,is always saying to people
call me,these are people he wants to hurt by getting inside their
brains.Roy Masters and FHU cult members can leave their bodies and see
where the celebs will turn up next.They then control the TMZ reporters
to be there.Next all they have to do is get the celebs to talk to
Its like talking to Cult Leader Roy Masters,except he,s operating
through his followers,who in turn are operating through certain types
of people ,that are hired as TMZ reporters.This creates a large buffer
between Roy Masters and the now screwed
up celeb.This way he cannot be blamed,the people he,s operating are
blamed.In the past
he or his followers have talked to celebs and gotten inside their
brains and driven
their lives to destruction.But eventually they were found out,and not
allowed to talk to celebs anymore.Once the celeb talks to a tMZ
reporter ,other FHU cult members,out of their bodies,can take over and
start putting problems in the celebs.There,s many
examples of celebs lifes unravelling.

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