Directed by Bruce Beresford from a script by Barbara Stepansky, Flint was inspired by the Time magazine cover story, "The Toxic Tap," by Josh Sanburn. It follows the true story of three women from Flint who sought justice following the wrongdoing committed against the residents of the city who were unknowingly drinking and using lead-laden water. Their actions inspired a national movement for safe drinking water despite the political powers working against them at every turn. Brandt, Scott and Ireland will play real-life activists and Latifah will play a fourth resident, fighting to expose the poisoning of the community during the horrific events of the water crisis.
Cher was previously attached to star in and executive produce but pulled out last month citing a serious family issue that prevents her from leaving Los Angeles. Flint begins production next week in Toronto.
Zadan and Meron of Storyline Entertainment and Couric executive produce alongside Queen Latifah and Shakim Compere via their Flavor Unit. Storyline's Mark Nicholson serves as co-executive producer.
Breaking Bad alumna Brandt, now one of the stars of the CBS comedy series Life In Pieces, is repped by TalentWorks, Patty Woo management and attorney John Moonves.
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