When Olympic gymnast Gabby Douglas is prepping for competition, she keeps her diet extremely clean.

"I try to do six days a week of just no sugar, no sweets, no cakes, no cookies, or anything," Douglas, 20, told Bon Appétit. "I only allow myself to have one cheat day where I get to kind of have – not whatever I want – but a little bit of sweets."

Her typical breakfast consists of eggs with a side of cereal or oatmeal, and dinner is equally well balanced. "Either chicken with vegetables and a sweet potato or pasta," she said. "I do a lot of protein and vegetables and a carb here and there."

While she normally mixes up what she eats for her final meal of the day, her dinner before a major competition is always the same. "I've been doing the salmon, asparagus, mashed potatoes since 2011," she said. "I just like the meal. It has a lot of energy."

After a competition, Douglas takes a welcome break from healthy eating. "I usually go out with my family and just have pizza, something that will really satisfy me," she said. "When I come back, I'm like 'I want pizza, I want greasy foods!'"

And for dessert? "It has to be a chocolate cake with a scoop of ice cream," she said. "Or I love pies, crème brûlée, something like that."