Ashanti's deranged stalker bizarrely compared his case to that of ex-cop Peter Liang in a bid for no jail time for sending the R&B singer sexually explicit tweets – but a Manhattan judge was unswayed and meted out the max of 1 1/3 to 4 years behind bars.
Devar Hurd, 37, argued before Justice Kirke Bartley Jr. that because the former officer, convicted of manslaughter for shooting an unarmed man in the stairwell of a Brooklyn housing project, might not have to serve a day behind bars, neither should he.
"A man's life was taken during the course of that situation and the DA, the head DA recommended no jail time, and here I am in Manhattan Supreme Court, and I didn't do none of that," said Hurd, referring to Brooklyn DA Ken Thompson's call for leniency for Liang.
"I didn't so much as threaten anyone, didn't so much as throw a pebble," Hurd said.
Prosecutor Carolina Holderness argued for the maximum."He has been told repeatedly by courts to leave these people alone and repeatedly disregards the court orders," she said.
The judge then handed down the largely symbolic sentence — Hurd has already served 32 months and could be sprung as soon as he goes before a parole board.
A Manhattan jury convicted the indomitable fan earlier this month of felony stalking for bombarding Ashanti with vulgar tweets in violation of an order of protection.
This was Hurd's third trial for the same crime – and the third time Ashanti Douglas, 35, was dragged into court to testify against him.
Hurd, who represented himself, seemed to delight in pelting Ashanti with embarrassing question after question.
The fed-up songstress told Hurd she wanted him out of her life.
"You continuously tweeted over and over again disgusting, derogatory things to me," she seethed. "I just wish you would stop."
During Hurd's rambling summation, he argued he was no more a criminal than disgraced pol Anthony Weiner, who resigned from Congress for tweeting nude pics to women.
"I didn't even send no nude pics," he said. "I just talked some sexually explicit stuff from time to time. Why didn't he [Weiner] get arrested for doing the same stuff?"
Holderness urged jurors to look at the tweets sent in July of 2013, as part of a nearly decade-long campaign of harassment.
"He's not just sending them (the tweets) as a fan but someone who has been convicted and ordered not to communicate with her," the ADA said.
At Hurd's 2015 trial, a judge was forced to declare a mistrial on the top count, the charge for which he was just retried, after the jury deadlocked.
That panel did convict him of 9 lesser counts. A year earlier, Hurd got a mistrial when a juror got sick during deliberations.
And all this was after the relentless fan was convicted in 2009 of stalking and harassment for sending crotch-shots to Ashanti's mom.
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