Vanessa Bell Calloway has booked a series regular role on A&E's hip-hop crime drama pilot The Infamous. It revolves around two complicated men on a collision course: an ambitious reformed gangster poised to break out of South LA and the LAPD detective hell-bent on taking him down. It will be set against real events in turbulent 1990s Los Angeles leading up to the LA Riots. Calloway, repped by Artists International Management, will play Ellie, Shannon's mother, a gifted singer who once performed with James Brown but now drives a city bus. Calloway recurs on Showtime's Shameless, TNT's Murder In The First and Amazon's Hand Of God and is a co-lead in feature Southside With You, which screened in competition at this year's Sundance Film Festival.

Julianna Guill (Girlfriends' Guide to Divorce, Rush Hour) and Cass Bugge (The Brink), have landed series regular roles on NBC and Universal TV's Playground competition pilot winner Sunset PPL. It follows five millennial roommates who begin to question the direction their lives have taken (or stalled in neutral) when an outsider enters the fray of their world. Guill will play Talia, a beautiful, courageous and intelligent East Coast student of mathematics who abandons her thesis studies to pursue her dream of becoming an actress. Bugge is Mel, a trendy, flaky and often vulgar young woman who teaches stand-up at a local comedy club. Guill is repped by APA, Luber Roklin Entertainment and attorney Hayes Robbins. Bugge is repped by APA, Bleecker Street Entertainment and Ginsburg Daniels LLP.