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{blackbabes} Kelly Rowland gets maritime escort back to Mass.

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PROVINCETOWN, Mass. (AP) — The Coast Guard says singer Kelly Rowland was among the passengers on a private boat escorted back to Cape Cod after the captain became disoriented.

Lt. Ruairi White tells the Cape Cod Times that the boat's captain was following a commercial whale-watching vessel Friday, lost sight of the boat and became disoriented north of Provincetown.

The Coast Guard directed a commercial towboat operator to escort the private vessel back to Provincetown.

TowBoat U.S. Provincetown says on its Facebook page that the boat was 33 miles north of Provincetown. It says the passengers "were great. Just a little shook up."

Rowland is a founding member of Destiny's Child, where Beyonce got her start. The group briefly reunited this year when Rowland and Michelle Williams joined Beyonce for a Super Bowl performance.

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