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{blackbabes} A Parenthood Reunion for Jasmine and Crosby?

Wal-Mart.com USA, LLC 

Forgive him or forget him? That's the dilemma Joy Bryant's Jasmine has been wrestling with since her (now former) fiancé had a one-night stand on Parenthood (10/9c, NBC). In recent weeks, Crosby (Dax Shepard) has been pulling out all the stops in his campaign to win back the mother of his son, Jabbar (Tyree Brown), but Bryant won't let on about whether his efforts pay off in tonight's finale. "I honestly don't know which way it's going to go," teases Bryant. "He's surprising everybody with how serious he is about doing the right thing. We shall see if Jasmine goes for it."

Still, it just might be viewers who have the hardest time letting Crosby off the hook for his bad behavior. "I was in an airport and a woman was like, 'Don't take him back, girl — don't do it,'" recalls Bryant. "People are so invested. It's wonderful and amazing."

As for what's going on with the rest of the Braverman crew, Bryant tells us, "Everybody is going through something in varying degrees, and there are lessons to be learned across the board. Be prepared to bug out." Tonight's episode of the criminally underappreciated drama, says Bryant, "is so good. It's going to take your love of the show to a whole other level."

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