Jean Smart is set to star in NBC's untitled Dan Goor pilot. The multicamera comedy, from BermanBraun, UMS and writer-exec producer Dan Goor, centers on Adam Foote, a young doctor who joins his parents' medical practice and spends as much time tending to his family as to his patients. Smart will play Adam's doting, meddlesome mom, Dr. Barbara Foote. Emmy winner Smart recurs on two CBS series this season, drama Hawaii Five-0 and comedy $#*! My Dad Says.
Gabrielle Union is set to co-star opposite Rob Corddry, Paula Marshall and Kevin Hart in Rob Thomas' single-camera comedy pilot for Fox Little in Common. The WBTV-produced pilot is about three families united through their kids' little league sports. It centers on the Wellers (Corddry, Marshall), who move from San Jose, CA to Austin, TX, but find that their adjustment won't be quite that easy considering that their Latino neighbors, the Pachecos, have a radically different approach to child-rearing than they do, while their other new neighborhood acquaintances, the African American Burlesons (Hart, Union), take sports very seriously. Union's Nicole Burleson is a lobbyist on the fast track to success who is every bit as competitive and intense as her husband.
Kelly Hu, Sandra Vergara and JR Bourne have joined Michael Patrick King's NBC pilot A Mann's World. In the vein of Shampoo, the project, from Warner Bros. TV, centers on Allan Mann (Don Johnson), a fiftysomething handsome and sexy straight Beverly Hills hairdresser struggling to stay young and relevant in a place where looks are everything. Hu, repped by Kohner Agency and Untitled, will play Allan's second wife, a brilliant architect who is is a killer in the boardroom and a bombshell in the bedroom and also the mother of their 4-year-old daughter. Main Title-repped Vergara, the younger sister of Modern Family star Sofia Vergara, will play a gorgeous junior stylist. She will next be seen in Fright Night. Bourne will play one of the star stylists at the salon, a "shaggy," handsome, gay man who is a loyal friend and confidant to Allan.
Also signed for pilots are Krysta Rodriguez (Fox comedy Iceland), Hannah Simone (Fox comedy Chicks & Dicks) and Damaris Diaz (Fox comedy Family Album).
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