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As if things weren't rough enough for them, Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore have found themselves at the center of an NCAA sports scandal.
According to the Des Moines Register, the University of Iowa could be in hot water with the collegiate organization after athletic officials allowed prospective Hawkeye basketball recruits to meet the Killers star and his wife at a home football game in September.
What's wrong with that exactly?
Since Kutcher is a university donor (he dropped out of the University of Iowa to pursue modeling years ago), and is considered to be "a representative of Hawkeye athletic interests," according to school documents filed with the NCAA, even a casual meeting between him and possible recruits could be prohibited.
The NCAA doesn't allow potential high school recruits to have contact with those considered to represent a university's athletic interest because it could have an influence on the recruiting process.
According to the Register, the recruits met with two former Hawkeye basketball players, then were introduced to the superstar couple in a football stadium suite later that day.
No immediate comment from Kutcher and Moore's reps.
Entertainment Plaza - TV, Movies, Sports, Music
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Hunk Of The Month
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